Check out our collection of You can upload videos to either your business page or your personal profile. C’est même un des formats qui a le plus de reach, c’est à dire de portée organique !Voici tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur les vidéos LinkedIn.LinkedIn prend en charge les formats vidéo suivants :En revanche LinkedIn ne prend pas en charge les formats de fichiers vidéo suivants :Attention à ne pas poster votre vidéo LinkedIn n’importe comment ! So you want to know how to share a LinkedIn video on your company page or LinkedIn profile? If you'd like to add videos into an article or blog post you're publishing, you won’t be able upload them directly, but you can easily embed them from YouTube or Vimeo.
This will involve deciding whether you want your post to be visible to the public or if you’d like to target a specific audience among your followers.If you do decide to target a specific audience, the options below will appear, allowing you to choose among certain qualifiers such as language, job function, industry, and company size.Finally, select whether or not you want to allow comments on your post under Advanced Settings. Native videos, uploaded directly to a platform, have been shown to outperform videos shared as links on various social networks, and recently LinkedIn started letting users upload videos directly to pages and personal profiles. Guide complet !Nous utilisons des cookies sans sucre. So the first step is to decide where you want to share your video and head to the right page.For pages, simply head straight to the page you'd like to upload your video to. Il est essentiel de savoir Ce site n'appartient pas et n'est pas affilié à LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, le logo LinkedIn, le logo IN et InMail sont des marques déposées par LinkedIn Corporation.Professionnels : trouvez des clients, soyez enfin visible et multipliez par 10 vos résultats.Professionnels : trouvez des clients, soyez enfin visible et multipliez par 10 vos résultats.​ Je partage avec vous mes meilleurs conseils et astuces pour (vous) vendre. First, confirm that your privacy settings are correct. La vidéo cartonne sur LinkedIn, du fait qu’il s’agisse d’un format visuel et animé, il est le format plébiscité par les internautes du réseau social. Moreover, the maximum resolution of the video files you publish as ads on LinkedIn is 1080p, while the minimum size of a video ad on LinkedIn is 360p. For more on that, for both iOS and Android users, Hammer home the point of your video and provide any necessary context in the post description itself.

If you don’t have an SRT file, scroll to about halfway through If you upload video to LinkedIn (or record it) from a mobile device, you can add filters to your video through the LinkedIn app, although this is currently only available for personal profiles. For many businesses, LinkedIn might not be best suited for more whimsical content, but is fits the bill for practical tips or job postings.Don’t post blind! Adding captions to video content provides a meaningful SEO boost, increases video watch time & retention, and leverages a positive user experience, making it easy for … C’est même un des formats qui a le plus de reach, c’est à dire de portée organique ! La vidéo cartonne sur LinkedIn, du fait qu’il s’agisse d’un format visuel et animé, il est le format plébiscité par les internautes du réseau social. If your video is calling on viewers to visit a different page, make sure you include the requisite link, and a text call-to-action never hurts, either. All LinkedIn Video Ads must be saved in the MP4 file format and their size can’t be smaller than 75MB or larger than 200MB.

When you're done, your video is ready to post!Beyond the steps to how to post a video on LinkedIn, these are some things to bear in mind in terms of your overall video marketing strategy.When deciding where to upload a video, consider the audience that you have on each of your social networks. Note that this is only available to business pages, not personal. If you’d like to tag anyone, or another page, in your post, this is your chance to do so.The final step is to share your video to LinkedIn. LinkedIn's blogging and article service, formerly known as Pulse, is a great way to share long-form content on the platform - for instance it’s used by our CEO Alex.. Consult your analytics, which can be found at the top of your Company Page, to see how different posts are performing, and make educated decisions on what and when to post in the future.The rules to live by for social media videos—brevity, hooking your viewer, including a strong visual—still apply on LinkedIn. LinkedIn Help - Sharing a Video on LinkedIn – FAQ - What are some frequently asked questions about sharing video on LinkedIn? We encourage you to test to find out what your audience responds to, but there’s no need to reinvent the wheel, at least at first.For more on building a video strategy on LinkedIn, LinkedIn Live : comment diffuser en direct en vidéo Sur LinkedIn ?Comment créer une page entreprise LinkedIn ? 2: Embed video in a LinkedIn Article. LinkedIn does have certain file requirements, but not to worry, we highlighted the key points below, and you can find the full list If you’d like to add captions to your video, and you have an SRT file to upload, you can add them by clicking the pencil icon in the video player. Si vous continuez à utiliser le site, nous supposons que vous aimez les cookies et acceptez la politique de confidentialité. Creating videos for LinkedIn is a great opportunity to connect with other professionals and share your expertise to the world. So you want to know how to share a LinkedIn video on your company page or LinkedIn profile?Native videos, uploaded directly to a platform, have been shown to outperform videos shared as links on various social networks, and recently LinkedIn started letting users upload videos directly to pages and personal profiles.In this article, we’ll show you how to best utilize the social network’s added functionality, giving company pages the same ability to upload video that had previously been rolled out to personal profiles.Need help making videos for LinkedIn?
If you manage more than one page, this step is particularly important to making sure your video winds up in the right place.For your personal LinkedIn profile, you'll be able to upload straight from the LinkedIn homepage when you log in.Once on your page, or your LinkedIn homepage, you'll see something that looks like one of the below:Click the video icon to select your file and create your video post. However, did you know that you could improve the value of your LinkedIn videos with captions?