You can edit this file to suit your needs. If you don't, your post may be deleted! Once you are logged in as root, the system is open to vulnerabilities. I am creating a file with all the source folders included in my git branch, when i grep for the used source, i found source included as relative path instead of absolute path, how can convert relative path to absolute path without changing directory to that folder and using readlink -f ? Now you can still gain root privileges, you would have to login as root to gain it. This specifies rights to it.

I would like to create an alias for grep so that it won't print out messages like "grep: /Users/davea/workspace/myproject/subdir/: Is a directory" all the time. When you want to run a command that requires root rights, Linux checks your username against the sudoers file. Remember, Linux is built with security in mind. documentation > linux > usage > bashrc.bashrc and .bash_aliases. Take notice of the “%” right before the group name. This allows the administrator to control who does what. Hello, Place your select cursor at the end of the last #alias example and hit enter, making a new line. Using -l after ls will give you a long and detailed listing.Here is a layout of the sudoers file in Ubuntu. If it determines, that your username is not on the list, you cannot run the command/program logged in as that user.What you will have to do is login as “root” by using the command “su -l”. Hello, In Ubuntu as this file was taken from, does have a sudo group. I mean: Here’s the basic format of what you need to put (or add to what you have). The default user for the su command is root. -amin n: The file was last accessed n minutes ago.-anewer: The file was last accessed more recently than it was modified.-atime n: The file was last accessed more n days ago.-cmin n: The file was last changed n minutes ago.-cnewer: The file was last changed more recently than the file was modified.-ctime n: The file was last changed more than n days ago.

Linux and Unix-like operating system may change the default from /var/spool/cron/ to … ... Hi,

If your name is not on the list, no rights. And Is there any difference between creating alias for files and creating alias for commands ? I am using Fedora 14, a sort of fragile system. The same goes for the admin group. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data: What “sudo” and “su” do is grant you rights to run a particular program that you specify, savvy?. alias ../='cd ../' Hi again, So in my terminal, I opened ~/.profile and entered Again, this not safe. # This file MUST be edited with the ‘visudo’ command as root.# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command after they have# (Note that later entries override this, so you might need to move# Members of the admin group may gain root privilegesLets skip all the way down to the section that says. Today's Posts. Lately, distros have system shell startup files in /etc/profile.d/. See photo below.

All you do is type:and enter the root password and then the command. Step five: Type the alias in the specified above location using the following format: alias [shortcut]='[command]' Replace [shortcut] with the alias you want, and replace [command] with the command that the alias stands for. Thx,

The alias will be bound to the corresponding ID and cannot be altered or reassigned. If you want to add another user, like yourself, under the line root ALL=(ALL) ALL, type:substituting username with your account name. Use the “ls -l /etc/” command to get a list of everything in the directory.

Linux then checks a special file and sees if you are allowed to be granted root privileges, similar to a VIP CLUB. In Ubuntu, there is a group called sudo that grant users added to it system rights after they have submitted their password. The UNIX and Linux Forums. I would like to know what is the difference between setting up a logical ip or setting up an alias ip to a physical network interface? Replace “your_alias_name” with a short name for this connection. This command indicates that you want to be granted a super user and gain super user/root privileges. Hi guys, The variable ALL means all in the root. However, when I close and... Use and complete the template provided. Search. They can be loaded at login time by modifying the shell's .rc file.