Anchorage, AK 99501 . CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): ABSTRACT. FIRST FLOOR PLAN . THIRD FLOOR PLAN . The entrance to ConocoPhillips’ Kuparuk Field camp. ASRC is an Alaska Native corporation established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. Any permits, SECOND FLOOR PLAN . Subject: Approval of the 2017 Kuparuk River Unit Plans of Development . Dear Mr. Keskula, The Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil and Gas (Division) timely received from the unit operator ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. (CPAI) on June 22, 2017 its proposed 2017 Kuparuk River Unit Plan of Development (2017 KPU POD). (Photo by Rachel Waldholz/Alaska’s Energy Desk) Oil company BP is selling its stake in the second-biggest oil field in Alaska. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS . The closest road is 80 miles West. LOS ANGELES -- The Kuparuk oil field on Alaska's North Slope, second in size only to the Prudhoe Bay field, began producing 50,000 barrels a day … We have a 1.25 mile long runway and house Av-gas and Jet fuel for resale. We We continue to expand the Delta Controls DDC network in Kuparuk for the 1250+ person man camp. 6613 Brayton Drive Suite A, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 QUINTILLION NETWORKS, LLC KUPARUK TO OLIKTOK POINT FIBER OPTIC CABLE INSTALLATION TempTel, Inc. is working on behalf of Quintillion Networks, LLC to design, permit and construct a new fiber optic cable (FOC) from Kuparuk Camp to Oliktok Point Seawater Treatment Plant. The proposed Kuparuk Industrial Center (KIC) and Kuparuk Construction Services (KCS) gravel pad expansions will be located in the Kuparuk River Unit. Search. FIRST FLOOR PLAN . Learn More. ConocoPhillips Kuparuk Office Building - Kuparuk River Field, Alaska. Hecla Greens Creek Mine Camp - Admiralty Island, Alaska . Learn More. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. 1 (CPF-1). ... William Scotsman 60 Beds Camp - Alaska. Free printable topographic map of North Kuparuk State in North Slope Borough, AK including photos, elevation & GPS coordinates. KIC is located approximately 1 mile northeast of the Kuparuk Main Camp and Central Process Facility No. Kavik River Camp has wifi capability for it's clients, provided by Nia Sat, and all services you would expect to find in a big city... however the closest big city is Fairbanks almost 500 miles South. A single-component caribou hunting camp, located on a subsiding pingo near the mid-Beaufort Sea coast of North Alaska, yielded a radiocarbon date of almost 6000 years. Alaska Integrated Services is a major DDC systems and support provider for Conoco Phillips Alaska in their Kuparuk Field camps and facilities. The Alaska North Slope region includes the National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska, with the bulk of Alaska's known petroleum until the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field was discovered in 1968, followed by the Kuparuk River oil field in 1969. ASRC is the largest Alaskan-owned and operated company, spanning across six major business segments. Government Contract Services; Kuparuk serves up -- in just one week -- one ton of potatoes, 750 dozen whole eggs, 51,000 cups of coffee and juice, 1,500 pounds of bananas, 8,000 donuts and pastries and much more. The KCS pad is located approximately 3 miles west of Kuparuk Main Camp. ... Rivers Camp Service City: 4.2 mi: Frontier Camp: 6.7 mi: South East Eileen State Number 1: 6.9 mi: Kup Delta Camp: 7.2 mi: Point Storkersen Camp… Operations.
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