It’s the first event skin for the latest I just had to use this one as the main image for this post. Buccaneer is a great alternative to Pirate if you hate red and black designs or just feel like Baptiste could really use some more color in his palette. Sure, they're combat-ready, but literally nothing else about this outfit is.Ultimately, since Overwatch is a first-person game I'll barely get to see him looking like a snack anyway.I guess I have to unlock this in a damn loot box now, huh? Baptiste is one of the heroes of Overwatch. Or spend all my saved up in-game money on it...probably gonna do the latter. The skin displays Baptiste in a sort of quasi-cyborg getup complete with eye gadgets and corn rows. No? 5 The Summer Games event in Overwatch is our annual reminder that the characters in Blizzard's hero shooter are, indeed, hot. Blizzard Entertainment. Kenneth is a Georgia-based writer who still periodically cries about the Mass Effect trilogy years after it concluded. Nothing especially special about this skin, but it is the only current Baptiste skin to show him off in any purple colors. If you ever really needed to hide away in some forestry or maybe just behind some leafy tank skin, Camouflage is great for you!The epic skin is available for 250 credits or through loot boxes whenever.As Baptiste has no other epic or legendary skins currently available, the last few entries on the list will be rare rarity skins that feature recolorings of Baptiste’s base default skin. Speaking of which... Aw, Bastion has a bucket on its head in its Overwatch Summer Games Sand Castle skin.Bastion’s Sand Castle skin plops a bucket on the omnic’s head. Thrust into the gothic city…The world of Dishonored is a robust paradise of grimy cities and even grimier people and from the first title made by Arkane Studios, it’s…Though the Dragon Age series has been around for quite some time, it always felt like a hidden gem of sorts for a lot of…Since my first introduction to Detroit: Become Human at the 2016 E3 conference, I admit that I went into it for the silliest of reasons.…One of the most iconic and central characters in all of Overwatch, Jack “Soldier: 76” Morrison is a staple in the roster of the popular…The newest of the Talon agents to be revealed thus far is the extremely intelligent and talented astrophysicist, Siebren de Kuiper, also known in Talon…Reaper, also known previously as Gabriel Reyes, is one of the most iconic Damage heroes in the entire roster of Overwatch.
Baptiste is definitely ready for the beach with his Overwatch Summer Games Tropical skin.
Baptiste is the newest hero to hit the Overwatch hero roster, and is another much needed Support hero to fill out the numbers. In either case, Buccaneer is far from the worst skin that you could use for Baptiste and still works plenty well for the Support hero.Buccaneer can be purchased at any point for 1000 credits or found through any loot box.The second and last of Baptiste’s epic skins to appear on the top ten list, Camouflage is another great choice for Baptiste that shows off the combat medic covered in a natural leaf-ridden attire. They're killing the beach theme, along with my vibe.Baptiste doesn't skip leg day and you cover them up with these oversized boots? NY 10036. The boots look a little out of step with his shirt and shorts get up, but since his Exo Boots are one of his core abilities, it’d probably be a bit silly for him to wear sandals.Pharah's Lifeguard skin is a pretty solid reflection of her character's drive to keep people safe.Fish are about to be as terrified of Brigitte as a Dragonblading Genji is.Echo's first Overwatch event skin gives her a radical new hairstyle, dude.I have to admit, I wouldn’t have pegged Echo as a surfer, but it totally works.
You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. You can probably expect some new voice lines as well.There’ll be weekly challenges throughout the event, with a different player icon, spray and epic skin available each time.