Az orvos javulást ígér neki, de Annina fülébe súgja, hogy már csak néhány órája maradt hátra. Featuring one of the most iconic, romantic and tragic scores of all time, Violetta, a courtesan of renown desire, is hosting a lavish party with the upper-class gentlemen of Paris and her fellow courtesans, all funded by her admiring patron, Baron Douphol. Alexandre Dumas A kaméliás hölgy című regénye alapján, amely 1848-ban jelent meg először nyomtatásban.Az opera ősbemutatójára a velencei La Fenice operaházban került sor 1853. március 6-án.

Germont leaves and Violetta writes a farewell note to Alfredo: she will return to the city and Douphol’s patronage. Then, to her astonishment, Alfredo returns to hold his beloved. The four luxurious villas take their names from well known operas (La Vida Breve, Dolce Far Niente, La Traviata, Fidelio), which is the reason for the name of the hotel, offer a perfect balance between atmosphere and services.

While left alone with Violetta, Alfredo protests his love, which she discourages at first, but then accepts in a sudden reversal. After a relentless breakdown of her character, Violetta agrees to sacrifice her love – despite it breaking her will to live.

Photo Gallery. Violetta instructs Annina to give what little money they have left to the poor, and re-reads a letter from Germont telling her that Alfredo now knows of her sacrifice and is returning to beg her forgiveness. She believes it is now too late for a reunion with Alfredo. Germont arrives to give his blessing, full of remorse at the pain he has caused. Ezt követi Alfredo iránti szerelmi vallomása, ami nem egy szenvedélyes kitörés, hanem egy állandóan égő láng. A társalgás rövid, izgatott mondatokból épül, a feszültséget egy visszatérő zenei motívum is hangsúlyozza.Az évek során az operából 253 audio felvétel készült. Alfredo büszkén énekel erről A súlyosan beteg (tüdőbaja utolsó stádiumába lépett) Violetta egy szerényen berendezett párizsi lakásban él, ágyhoz kötve.

Instead, she resolves to plunge herself headlong into the vortex of hollow pleasures that make up her existence.Violetta and Alfredo are now living together in the idyllic countryside.

When she has an opportunity, Violetta speaks to Alfredo alone and begs him to leave and avoid a deadly fight with Douphol; pressed by Alfredo, she maintains her promise to Alfredo’s father and tells Alfredo that she loves Douphol. Synopsis . La Traviata is one of the cornerstones of the operatic repertory. Grenvil doktorral fogadja a vendégeket, többek között Douphol bárót és barátnőjét, Florát, aki D'Orbigny márkival érkezik Alfredo és Violetta egy Párizs melletti vidéki házba vonultak vissza, hogy kizárólag szerelmüknek éljenek. The "Brindisi" or "Drinking Song"(Libiamo ne' lieti calici) from Act I of the Italian opera, La Traviata … When Alfredo learns from her servant Annina that Violetta has sold her possessions to support the life they lead, he returns to the city to raise the necessary funds. After a relentless breakdown of her character, Violetta agrees to sacrifice her love – despite it breaking her will to live.

As the guests retire to other rooms, Violetta suddenly grows ill. When Alfredo learns from her servant Annina that Violetta has sold her possessions to support the life they lead, he returns to the city to raise the necessary funds. Amidst the champagne, she is introduced to a middle-class gentleman, Alfredo Germont, who has been in love with her for over a year – since, we learn, her illness began.

Duettjük A második felvonás második színében (amit gyakran külön felvonásként adnak elő) Violetta szerepe csekély, de jelentősége annál nagyobb.

Instead, she resolves to plunge herself headlong into the vortex of hollow pleasures that make up her existence.Violetta and Alfredo are now living together in the idyllic countryside. She believes it is now too late for a reunion with Alfredo. As the guests retire to other rooms, Violetta suddenly grows ill. La traviata - La traviata - Act II: Scene 1. ENO La traviata: 2017/18 production gallery. Germont enters in time to witness his son’s outburst and shames him. Alfredo must leave the party – and Violetta.The doctor tells Annina that her mistress will soon die. Violetta úgy érzi, közeleg a vég, és már nem látja újra szerelmét A nyitány tulajdonképpen a hősnő portréja: áttetsző, osztott hegedűszólammal kezdődik – ez később a harmadik felvonás sötét, beteges hangulatát jellemzi. Then, to her astonishment, Alfredo returns to hold his beloved. Catalog number for aria : #0452, for score : #50021 (Ricordi). Violetta instructs Annina to give what little money they have left to the poor, and re-reads a letter from Germont telling her that Alfredo now knows of her sacrifice and is returning to beg her forgiveness. As dawn breaks, the gentlemen must all go home, and Violetta is left alone to contemplate the idea of having a true love for herself. A Az utolsó felvonás a beteg Violetta portréja: az előjátékot indító vonósakkordok sora egy mélyen expresszív A tánczene mellett figyelemre méltó a darab konverzációs stílusa, amit nem kötnek le a dallamépítkezés zárt formái, ezért realista hatásúak.

Germont leaves and Violetta writes a farewell note to Alfredo: she will return to the city and Douphol’s patronage. Germont enters in time to witness his son’s outburst and shames him.