You have two options of how to use the LM317 in TINA-TI. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including
Here is the Spice model I used for the LM317. Here is a link to the LM317 model that I'm using.
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Thanks for those insights, John. This path may have what need from the manufacturer There's none in the LTSpice version for Windows 7, 8, 10 that I have downloaded. I have developed a fairly large repository of components just by going to the major manufacturer websites and downloading their parts libraries.If it is a more general part (such as your LM317) you can sometimes find parts that are similar enough that they can be substituted in a SPICE simulation.Finally, if all else fails, you can make your own models. Lt spice model for an LM317 - Electronic Circuits Projects Diagrams Free These models seem to work, LM317 and LM337. © 2001-2020
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for electronics and electrical engineering professionals, students, and enthusiasts. なおSPICEモデルの拡張子は、.LIB とか .cir とか、いろんなのがあるが、特に決まりはないみたい。
Download PSpice for free and get all the Cadence PSpice models. I am curious if there is a giant repository out there somewhere that I can search? Browse Cadence PSpice Model Library . This probably won't help you much for a linear regulator, but when you have transistors, diodes or other SPICE primitives, you can get the necessary information from a datasheet a use a .MODEL command to create your own model.
Unfortunately I don't know enough about Pspice to model it myself, and although I could make it from components according to the schematic, that might take forever.Team Not Too Extreme Tweaking | Team Planar | Team FuglyphoneStrange, I just checked my version and I have both.Team Not Too Extreme Tweaking | Team Planar | Team FuglyphoneYeah I'm remote desktop-ing into the university's network to use Orcad so I doubt the libraries are complete or in the right place - this opamp library doesn't have the LM series.
If that doesn't work then google "spice [part number]" often turns something up. Electrical Engineering Meta
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"Unmapped models found! Cadence® PSpice technology offers more than 33,000 models covering various types of devices that are included in the PSpice software. I am troubleshooting a power supply that has no schematic what so ever (my employer bought 30 power supplies oversees from an unknown company). Start here for a quick overview of the site
For the LM317, the first technique didn't work, but google turned a TI model up, linked to in one of the posts on There are a few options for finding simulation models. Will you please help?
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By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I looked around google and a few of the manufacturer sites and couldn't find anything. Two versions can be found at Here are a couple more resources I have found useful.If you have LTSpice, there is an LM317 model under the [misc] component folder. For the LM317, the first technique didn't work, but google turned a TI model up, linked to in one of the posts on this page. Discuss the workings and policies of this site
It only takes a minute to sign up.Where can one go to find SPICE models?
For more information on using the .MODEL command you can try After a bit of searching, I too was unable to find a model from LT. All rights reserved. Anybody can answer
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In particular, I am looking for a model for an LM317 voltage regulator, at the moment. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under
However, I can't find this on Linear's site and I am not having much luck with the other manufacturers for their parts. lm317 spice model Hi,dspusr see this.SUBCKT LM337K 8 1 19 *Connections Input Adj. Before simulating, be sure to map your components from the Add Model dialog" This is due to a missing Spice model for the LM317 component. First I have looked everywhere for the spice model of the lm337.It's an adjustable three terminal regulator that provides a negative voltage power source. Generally, if you have a specific part in mind, you should check the manufacturer site first.
It looks like it was created from a schematic of the LM317 chip.
Thanks for the link Nelson, I'll try it out.
解凍すると、拡張子 .LIBのスパイスモデルが得られる。 LM317_TRANS.LIB. Code: *LM317 TI voltage regulator - pin order: In, Adj, Out *TI adjustable voltage regulator pkg:TO-3 All components must be mapped to an intrinsic model or SPICE subcircuit prior to simulation. It seems like this would be a very common problem for designers wishing to simulate their circuits?Usually if I need a model that's not in LTSpice, I go onto the manufacturers website (LM means National Semiconductor so you would try there in this case) and type the part number in then look under tools/models on the part's page.If that doesn't work then google "spice [part number]" often turns something up. But they're not.