Following Lord Arcanon's defeat, Snide sides with Sledge who has been manipulating him to temporarily take command of his crew while he's away, as he obliterates Lord Arcanon, Singe, Conductro, and Screech. Antonio Garcia is Samurai Ranger Light, the Gold Samurai Power Ranger in Power Rangers Samurai and Power Rangers Super Samurai. As Doomwing prepares to defeat Tyler, he is caught by surprise when Tyler assumes his T-Rex Super Charge Ankylo-Pachy formation as Doomwing summons Iceage, Stingrage, and Meteor as Zenowing arrives. As part of a deal with Poisandra, Heckyl would tell Poisandra a secret. Welcome to the OFFICIAL POWER RANGERS YOUTUBE CHANNEL! Poisandra is the heart-themed general of Sledge and his vain air-headed fiancé. The Boom Studios’ comic book continuity depicts Heckyl as Dino Charge Dark Ranger. As Singe, Conductro, and Screech go to Lord Arcanon's aid, Sledge is joined by Poisandra, Fury, Wrench, Curio, and Snide as Sledge uses the Dark Energem to power his laser gun enough to obliterate Lord Arcanon and his group. He was also revealed to be Sledge's employer who ordered him to capture outlaws to create an army to rule the universe. Arriving on Earth, the Rangers encounter Zenowing in the McCadden Forest only to find that Doomwing is in control of his body.

Poisandra was revived by Venjix/Evox and Scrozzle before she is killed for a final time by Beast Morphers Rangers. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved.

Tales of teens who morph into super-powered heroes have, in turn, morphed into a powerful franchise that includes a merchandising cornucopia, a feature film and various TV permutations, including `Power Rangers Zeo,' `Power Rangers Turbo' and `Power Rangers DinoThunder.' Power Rangers RPM is the 2009 season of Power Rangers, telling the story of the fight in the future between the Ranger Operators and the evil forces of Venjix, who is trying to destroy the environment to favor one for machines. Keeper arrives and teleports himself and the Rangers away.

As Sledge doesn't want to fire the Magnabeam on him, Snide angrily curses Sledge with hatred. Power Rangers Dino Charge and its second season Power Rangers Dino Super Charge, is an American children's television series that airs on Nickelodeon.It is the 2015 and 2016 entry in the Power Rangers franchise. Sledge is pleased that the group is finally back together. Singe tells Fury, Poisandra, Wrench, and Curio that they now work for Lord Arcanon. Singe is revealed to be working as a double agent for Lord Arcanon.After Heckyl gets suspicious about Singe knowing the location of the Titano Zord, Singe leaves, stating that he wouldn't want to anger his master.

After returning, he reveals that he was planting Greenzilla Eggs around the world. It has a sword for a tail and it forms the Dino Charge Megazord/Ptera Charge Megazord's left arm for the Para-Raptor formation.As the Dino Charge Black Ranger, Chase is skilled at firearm-based combat, and he commands the As the Dino Charge Gold Ranger, he uses the unique wrist worn Gold Ptera Morpher, wields a sword in battle called the Gold Ptera Saber, and commands the Kendall Morgan is a 26-year-old scientist who manages the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum and is the head of its As the Dino Charge Purple Ranger, Kendall commands the James Navarro is Tyler's long lost father.

RPM Rangers. Because he is Zenowing's negative counterpart, he has stored the Silver Energem in the tip of his sword in order to access the Silver Ranger powers for evil purposes.

The Rangers use the Titano Zord's Titano Cannon and their lasers to kill Snide before he can get his revenge on Sledge. The pair were on a dig together when they were attacked by Fury, which led to a cave-in in which James was supposedly buried.

He initially plans to use a video on Shelby's phone to show the world the existence of the Plesio Zord, but she manages to convince him otherwise.

Tyler then confronts Doomwing while the others fight the remaining monsters. After Fortress is destroyed, Singe assists Lord Arcanon in re-incarcerating Heckyl and then tells Fury, Poisandra, Wrench, and Curio that they now work for Lord Arcanon. One day, he found the Green Energem in a As the Dino Charge Green Ranger, Riley is an expert swordsman who uses a backhanded grip in battle and commands the Raptor Zord. It was also shown that Wrench tried to get to an escape pod only for Heximas to escape from the ship's destruction in it. Some time later, Singe returns with Lord Arcanon and Doomwing.