Funny but for me when using the Unofficial Patch during the Blood on the Ice quest I could not activate any of the items in Hjerim, had to cons... However, the quest will not start in the same way as outlined in the walkthrough above; you will have to figure out what to do on your own without help from Jorleif, however all of the same options will be open to you except that none of the witnesses will be present in the graveyard; you can sell Calixto the Strange Amulet, you can have Wuunferth arrested or talk to him to catch Calixto, and you will have to talk to Viola in order to continue on with the quest after picking up a pamphlet.If you speak to Wuunferth directly, instead of Jorleif, then Calixto will attempt to murder Arivanya in the Stone Quarter.
You can choose to indicate her involvement in the killings or simply to leave the conversation, but the results are the same. When the right conditions have been met (see Enter the Hall of the Dead and find Helgird busy examining Susanna's dead body, obviously puzzled by the large diagonal cuts she finds. Jorleif will then direct a guard to follow him to arrest Wuunferth and proceed to his location, usually his quarters. For other uses, see Necromancer Amulet..
Once outside the house, the Dragonborn can have the following conversation with her: They will briefly tell you about how the house used to belong to the now deceased Friga Shatter-Shield, and it has been abandoned ever since her untimely death. Blood on Ice is the ninth studio album by Swedish extreme metal band Bathory. During the day, he will be in his quarters (first door on the left on entering, upstairs, at the far end).
It is a good idea to accept this tour, just for the investigation. They will also point you towards her mother, Pay a quick visit to the helpful Jorleif (or a guard) for advice on how to proceed. At the end of "Blood on the Ice," the Strange Amulet becomes the Necromancer Amulet and can be removed from Calixto Corrium's corpse.
*Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. With the quest complete, Windhelm appears safe once again; however, following a period of three days, the body of a young female with similar cuts to the previous victims will appear outside of With Wuunferth behind bars, it appears that the Butcher has eluded arrest. If you have not been to Windhelm a lot, just go there, then fast travel to some other hold (Such as Whiterun), go back to Windhelm, and repeat this process a few times before proceeding. pamphlets. Blood on the Ice is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, in which the Dragonborn must investigate a series of murders in the city of Windhelm that has seen several young women dead and mutilated. He will be quite insulted and will ramble on about him being a member of the He reveals that he has also been investigating the killings of Windhelm for quite some time. a blood … He has noted a pattern with the location and timing of the killings, so he ends up asking you to keep watch in the Stone Quarters at night, as he predicts the killer will strike again. Community content is available under (If Nilsine Shatter-Shield was killed during the quest "Mourning Never Comes": (Subsequent responses: "The Wheelstone? The Dragonborn can choose to follow the trail of blood leading away from the crime scene or enter the Going to the Hall of the Dead is optional; however, it can yield some useful information. Blood on the Ice (MS11b) 15: The Butcher has struck again in Windhelm, after Wuunferth the Unliving was imprisoned. When you present him with the strange amulet, he will tell you that it's the Wheelstone, traditionally carried by court mages. According to Wuunferth the Unliving, the Necromancer Amulet is a legendary enchanted amulet of immense power and once belonged to Mannimarco, the King of Worms. To start the quest "Blood on the Ice", you have to had visited and left Windhelm four times. Quests Edit Blood on the Ice Edit. The Strange Amulet is found in Hjerim, hidden under a pile of Beware the Butcher! Upon returning to the guard at the crime scene, the body of Susanna will be gone and the guard will render assistance. It appears he may have been innocent. Confront him with the rumors about him performing necromancy.