So parents many times are observed to have great partiality towards some child; and not to be offended with him for that, which they would severely punish in their o∣ther children.It's good for prisoners to be out, but bad for the eyes to be out. Though they have been long disused in Many in that place; some natives there, others repair∣ing thither from all parts of the land, the poor for alms, the pained for ease.That is Sherry-sack, which is the entertainment of course, which the courteous This profane Proverb it seems, took its wicked original Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee.Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations.For longer texts, use the world's best online translator!floraisons suivantes et, dans l'intervalle, élimine une source de nourriture pour les insectes, en particulier les papillons.year, but also removes a source of food for insects particularly butterflies.Une précision s'impose: il s'agit là d'outils non pas destinés à la taille, mais à la coupe de petitesOne small note: these are not pruning tools, but intended for cuttingalgues ou autres choses apportées par la nature ou par les propriétaires de ce site. Anger indeed makes men hasty, and inconsiderate in their actions. Début : 8h/8h30 - Fin : 16h30/17h. He that would an old wife wed, Must eat an apple before he goes to bed,But he that woes a widow must woe her day and night.But he that woes a widow, must down with his breeches and at her.A nice wife and a back door, do often make a rich man poor.Femme rit quand elle peut & pleure quand elle veut.Qui femme croit & asne meine, son corps ne sera ja sans peine.But my daughter's my daughter all dayes of her life.Quod quis{que} vitet nunquam, homini satis cautum est in horas.Aequa tellus Pauperi recluditur regúm{que} pueris. E meglio esser testa di luccio che coda di sturione. Midland Countreys of the same latitude are generally colder then maritime, and Continents then Islands: and it is observed in Because there is more clay then sandy ground in England.These prognosticks of weather and future plenty, &c. I look upon as altogether uncertain; and were they narrowly observed would I believe, as often miss as hit.The reason is, for that the earth having been well heated by the Sun's long lying upon it in Summer time is not sud∣dainly cooled again by the recess of the Sun, but retains part of its warmth till after the Winter Solstice: which warmth, notwithstanding the return and accesse of the Sun, must needs still languish and decay, and so notwithstanding the lengthening of the days the weather grows colder, till the externall heat caused by the Sun is greater then the re∣maining internall heat of the earth for as long as the exter∣nall is lesser then the internall (that is, so long as the Sun hath not force enough to produce as great a heat in the earth as was remaining from the last Summer) so long the internall must needs decrease. A man may spare in an ill time: as some who will rather This we see ve∣rified in our neighbours the Like will to like. Otherwise there is Wheat in It is spoken of such, who use dissolute and improvident courses, which tend to poverty. Nec mihi diccre promptum, nec facere est lsti.Ni∣hil est ab omni parte beatum. v moissonner, ramasser, récolter, piquer, butiner, vendanger, faucher, glaner, couper, faire la cueillette [antonyme] semer (cueillir à froid) prendre au dépourvu It hath been plow'd and sown these six or seven years.There is a currant story, that the Prior and convent of A taunt to such as are troublesome by blowing their nose.This is remarkably true of murder however secretly acted, but it is applied also to the discovery of any fault.Spoken by good-housewives when they have wet their meal for bread or paste too much.Said to the journeyman that is envied for pleasing his master.I know not the reason of this Proverb. Or else it may signifie to fret, swell and disquiet himself with anger.