The Painting Guardian Sword is a curved sword in Dark Souls. I dont know what it is, but I can't do curved swords.somebody forgot to add that the demon's scar is also in the dlcTwin Blade WA cant be parried, .... MAKES *****ING SENSE OF COURSE YOU CANT PARRY IT ITS SUCH AN HEAVY MOVE WTFJust to clarify: Falcion has the highest AR out of all of them (422 with refined infusion +10 on a quality build), regardless of 40/40 quality or 60 dex build (only about 5 or so AR in difference).-2h- R1!
Curved Swords are a generally a Dexterity-based weapon class with fast swing speeds, decent damage and range, and a excellent roll-catching abilities. Curved Greatswords are a Weapon Category in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered.Curved Greatswords are larger than Curved swords and are meant to be wielded two-handed due to their inherent weight and Strength requirements. Has an "s" scaling when heavy infused with 66 strength and 18 dexterity gets you an AR of 629. Curved sword imbued with the strength of the Stormdrake. What I like to do is pair it with a Weapon Skill shield like the Black Knight shield, which helps with blocking ranged attacks and also allowing me to do the weapon art when they don't expect it.
-despite being "small" weapons, they don't make much of a sacrifice for damage, particularly for the scimitar and PKCS.
I had 1500hp. This definitely wins in style, and has the added boon(objectively speaking) of being underused. PvE wise, it's amazing. Giant gold-decorated curved sword wielded by warriors of the Harald Legion, who sought the dark soul. It at least looks cooler than say the scimitar.I feel like it is a missed opportunity not to have this do increased dmg to Yorm. Skill: Sever Hold the giant blade with both hands and slash repeatedly at foe's feet.
Maybe it could work better with Dragonslayer's Swordspear WA?This is underrated.
Parry spammer did it right as i did the weapon art and nothing. Sharp infusions won't match two handed AR until 22 strength and 99 dexterity.
These weapons are characterized by their fast swing speed, high DPS, and use of the Slash damage type, making them effective against cloth armor and exposed skin. But damage and and stun potential are definitely on par with ultra great swords. Harald Curved Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a
Also, if you start using spells that pressure your opponent like black serpent or homing soul mass, they won't have time to activate hyper armor frames as you rush them, as your spells can initiate a stun to be followed up with faster weapons like a straight or curved sword. Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls +
Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Dark infusion of the scimitar btw has A/A/A. R1! These weapons still are predominantly slashing attack weapons, but each strike has a lot more weight behind it for increased damage over normal Curved Swords.
It has only one weakness : its range.This thing is great in this gamr... then DS3 came aroundI think this weapon might have the highest DPS in the game.The weapon is ruined, and I don't know how to fix itthe bit that mentions this being a weaker falchion is just flat out false. Any stat with less than C scaling is not important enough and other stats would allow for a much more performing playstyle.While two handing the Storm King Curved Sword, you can combo R1 into L2 R2.
As the two handed moveset swings faster and has more hyper armor at no real detriment (might be a pixel less range), there's no real reason to one hand the weapon ever, making a two hand strength build the most viable.
-Small curved swords' 2h r1 is the fastest attack in the game, beating out even daggers in startup.
Also, twohanded mode on this thing is not that great since I find that the onehanded actually has better range and speed. Hope you dont mind 1300 damage delt with a 3 hit pseudo combo dark build!This weapon has a slower attack speed than other CGS such as the exile but the hilarious thing is that it’s speed is perfect at roll catching. I've literally never seen a passive HCGS user, this thing is best used aggressively, baiting out attacks for trading whether with the r1s or the insane true combo, infinistunlock weapon arte.This weapon has a***** ton of hyper armor, hellishly good strength scaling, and the best range of any curved great sword, however it is almost as slow as an ultra great sword. Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + R1! Unique shape with flat tip." The first swing has rather high starting lag that can … PvP wise, also pretty amazing.
R1! Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + The Nameless King, ally of the ancient dragons, fought beside the Stormdrake in countless battles. Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls +
The main draw of the weapon is it's weapon art, it has absolutely ridiculous hyper armor (which seems to activate almost instantly) and an insane true combo of L2+R2+R1.
Not criminally underated, but worth trying out sometimes.
Harald Curved Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. In fact don't really try to trade at all since most weapons will out-poise it, so you should mostly run around and bait attacks then punish with r1, running r1 and weapon art. Keep this a secret from the tryhards at least we can still backstab them when they’re using the paired meme swordsI jumped on ds3 after 4yrs off and got 2x running R1's to the face for death..
Rotten Ghru Curved Sword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3.