Very, very awkward (yet sonorous) piano writing. Professor Helga Thoene suggests that this partita, and especially its last movement, was a Raymond Erickson has identified approximately two hundred transcriptions and arrangements of Bach's Ciaccona. I have therefore removed the recordings that are not definitionally germane to the subject of this page.First, let us examine a performance by the master himself whose playing of the Chaconne incorporates numerous aspects of the technical capabilities of the violin. Climax starts 35, , orgasm at Second climax starts at Chaconne D minor from Partita no.2 (piano transcription)(music score)(19s).pdf. It is a journey at the end of which I know I will never be the same again. Author: Maulmaran Maujar: Country: Thailand: Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Environment: … Helene Grimaud (piano) Bach, Busoni – Chaconne in D minor.

Focus on the octave passages in the left hand starting at 03:10 in the Giltburg recording and at 02:20 in the Stern. In the four and a half years since first creating this page, many more performances of the Bach-Busoni Chaconne have become available to me. I never played the Bach-Busoni Chaconne in public, but I learned the notes last summer and then gave up on it because I thought it was unplayable. Except for the ciaccona, the movements are dance types of the time, and they are frequently listed by their French names: Performance time of the whole partita varies between 26 and 32 minutes, depending on the approach and style of the performer. Raymond Erickson has identified approximately two hundred transcriptions and arrangements of Bach's Ciaccona. His use of the pedal is exemplary and in no way obscures the contrapuntal aspect of this music. The whole of Mahler's "Resurrection" Symphony is one such work, the Adagio from Bruckner's eighth symphony another.In the realm of music written for a solo performer there are several such masterpieces, the Sonata in B minor by Franz Liszt, the Prélude Chorale et Fugue by César Franck, and the Chaconne from the second unaccompanied violin Partita by Bach prominent among them.There are two towering transcriptions of The Bach Chaconne for the piano, the first dating from 1877 for left hand alone by  , and the second from 1893 for piano two hands by In the case of the Bach-Busoni Chaconne, I had decided to take a unique approach. But these two limitations that Bach set for himself—writing a movement on this scale for solo violin and writing a movement without any large-scale tonal contrasts—are major factors in creating the effect of the Chaconne.The enormity of the music that emanates from a four-stringed soprano-register instrument played by a lone performer is a major part of the Chaconne’s effect—an aspect that Brahms surely … Uploaded by. I came back to this in September, and here is the work in progress. P.S. If I imagined that I could have created, even conceived the piece, I am quite certain that the excess of excitement and earth-shattering experience would have driven me out of my mind.In the preface to his 1955 transcription, John Cook writes: "The Chaconne is sublimely satisfying in its original form, yet many will agree that a single violin is only able to hint at the vast implications of much of this music … It is perhaps not unreasonable to suppose that Bach would have chosen the organ, had he transcribed the Chaconne himself, as the instrument best suited to the scale of his ideas … A good performance on the violin may be taken as the best guide to interpretation on the organ — the two instruments are not without their points in common, and both were beloved of Bach." Not only are Giltburg's octaves cleanly and delicately played, but the perfect arch of crescendo and diminuendo over the entire passage is a stunning example of interpretive control.recorded in 2011 at the Arthur Rubinstein Piano Master Competition in Tel AvivFor those of you who enjoy murder mysteries, here is my first with a strong musical polemic as backgroundCopyright 2009 - 2019 All rights reserved.There are few compositions that I consider transcendental in scope, by which I mean works that grow from a single, seminal theme or concept and expound on this concept, quasi-hypnotically, uninterrupted until all that can ever be said has been said. I though it might be beneficial in evaluating an interpretation of a transcription to determine the performer's understanding of the original version as … Her heavy-footed use of the pedal makes many critical passages sound muddy. Brahms Bach Chaconne Left . Stern, on the other hand, seems to forget that this is essentially Bach. I though it might be beneficial in evaluating an interpretation of a transcription to determine the performer's understanding of the original version as well as the transcription and the music itself. There are performances of the Bach-Busoni Chaconne by Two new performances of the Bach-Busoni Chaconne offer an interesting comparison, those by Boris Giltburg and Edna Stern, both Israeli pianists.