He’s also not as durable as he used to be due to power creep.His Blast Attack can reach high levels after a few Blast Arts Cards.SP SSJ2 Gohan RED might be popular, but it’s a fact that he’s fallen off considerably. He still works in Hybrid Saiyans, but even they need a small bit of help.He’s extremely durable, has one of the best Extra Moves in the game, locks the Enemy in with his first Main Ability, and with enough Ki to use it from his second Main Ability.He has many Team options when limit broken to 5 stars. They are very susceptible to buff wiping abilities however, so maybe SP Vegeta BLU could be preferable.He has an excellent Melee-focused toolkit along with a Special Move that restores his Health every time it lands.

which can make for a deceptively powerful -- albeit fragile -- Team. Alternatively, Hybrid Saiyans have many Trunks variants on them, so he suffers there too. Dragon Ball Characters(100+) Tier List Maker. His Extra Move and Cover can also Absorb Ki Blasts, Tap Blasts, and Ranged Special Moves.His “That Which Surpasses the Legendary Super Saiyan “ Unique Ability makes him a force to be reckoned with every time he enters the battlefield. His Z-Ability was never good enough to justify a bench spot, so he's no longer recommended anywhere.He’s not a conventional Tank, his Defensive capabilities mostly lie with his Ability to increase Card costs as well as restoring 5% of his Health when he enters the battlefield.His stats--namely his Offensive stats--are very lackluster. His Z-Ability was never good enough to justify a bench spot, so he's no longer recommended anywhere.which allows him to evade Attacks, and his Main Ability full restores his Vanish Gauge.His stats and especially his Z-Ability are lackluster.He’s an extremely versatile and crafty Fighter, but simply has a hard time finding a home in the current Meta. Her "Hammer of Justice" Unique Ability does give her a lot of Damage but she’s still held back by her Z-Ability and Team options, which are not ideal. He does a little bit of everything for his team, but is not oppressive offensively like a lot of the top tier PVP units, and his teams are also collectively a step behind the best PVP teams.He’s good, but not overly great.

He has some especially good appeal with at Zenkai 1 accentuates his Damage potential that much more. He can alleviate SP SSGSS Vegito BLU's Damage output a bit with his Main Ability that nullifies color disadvantage, but he still finds himself in serious trouble if he loses priority. If a team is neglected for too long and is not nearly as Meta-relevant, however, "starter" units can still drop to Tier 2.Whether he’s entering the battlefield, drawing Cards, or on the receiving end of a Combo, he has a seemingly endless amount of Damage inflicted Buffs.His Main Ability restores his own Health by a massive 30%, gives him 50 Ki instantly, increases his Damage inflicted andWhether he’s entering the battlefield, drawing Cards, or on the receiving end of a Combo, he has a seemingly endless amount of Damage inflicted Buffs.His Main Ability restores his own Health by a massive 30%, gives him 50 Ki instantly, increases his Damage inflicted andHe excels at many aspects of combat and joins a great Team in RegenerationHe brings his iconic Special Beam Cannon which can also have it’s Damaged boosted via his Extra Move, and can constitute as a Legendary FinishHis only real flaw at the moment is the fact that he’s very Ranged focus whereas a lot of Regeneration Fighters prefer Strike Attack, but he still does everything else.