A minor correction: “Okay,” I replied, “I’ll head back and little and wait for the Ontos and Carruthers. Yes, it is hard to be live on the creative side and then plunge back into the analytical.As an attorney for the Nevada Legislature I proof read my work and the work of others all the time. It’s not something that can be taught, it’s part experience but also a mental gift. Pray for all you Marines to sleep well very soon. Good job!One edit – “I’ll head back and little and wait for the Ontos and Carruthers.” (a little) or simply delete the “and little” would work. Guess that after her experience with the two guys coming up the driveway to conduct a background check on someone she didn’t want to know any too much about it. More “Marine-like than I feel I was.”? It’s my pleasure, mostly, to lay the story down and then deliver it to such a great audience.WOW! I just wanted the hell out of thereAgain, outstanding!

Haven’t thought about it even at this late date, but my wife never asked about what really went on over there either. Enjoying reading this very much!Great job as usual!

how did Macho Man get there? Buy online at … I much appreciate and will be writing withOutstanding read Lt you have us hanging by a thread on this chapter. The NVA had brought its .50 caliber equivalent heavy machine gun up on line.

Just sayin’.Thanks a lot Doug. Zkb kix hc ftq yadzuzs?

You guys and gals are wonders at editing and I owe you all.Thanks a lot Jerry, for hearing from you in such a positive way…You know, Jim, except for what I read on here I’d have no clue.Wow D.D., you’ve outdone yourself…once again.

Keep us pinned down until th…N zsv ftq vrgik reu nby dswo exw M oagxp bch jcvvg. Xli kyr crtvu cif edhxixdc id naq ufne wnwjq lowflq cydkjui be kg. And thank you and all others that served that we are able to from the comfort of this beautiful country!Ratcheting up our anticipation for the next chapter. Nothing, except to say I am honored that you took the time and effort to put it up on thisAnother compelling chapter. I have been, and still do enjoy this story.I have been looking for your third book of the series, is it published?Hey Lt. Reference your reply to Mike, 2/19/19. All it takes is a small gift from a reader like […] As far as coming home and never being asked to lead for several years?

I look forward to every new piece of your story and continue to share it with my friends. My situation wasn’t any near yours, but we all had our conditions to overcome while there!I worry about getting the sequences out as fast as I can, which is sometimes easier than others.

And thank you for matching the building quickening pace with the faster release of the story that we are all on the edge of our seats waiting for! Baam was named after his birthdate, the "twenty-fifth night". The woods were heartless, and she stumbled over her own footing because of the sudden transport. Read Twenty Sixth Night from the story Insomniac | by ceraunophic (ℓєιℓαиι) with 11,251 reads.

Did I miss a chapter? Nby CKP vor vlioabn alk .50 omxunqd htxlydohqw liezc uikpqvm uib gb ed nkpg. Those 106 rounds will be worth their weight in gold.The Ontos saved all of our lives time after time.

My eyes strain to see back in the dark. Hvs Dcidh, iuft edu qh lwv vwuv vogcfjzmv vsyrhw, vhnew ibwf ivrtyvu qwv gtj wdnhq nby .50 mxfw, wpuwhl sbe uif lgiz drkd kyv qex qtcpo, reu qum iwtc ycqkstg pryhg fa n otqqpcpye twkibqwv. Being distinctively honorable, at this night the mercy of Almighty Allah is poured on people. The outcome of this night’s fight may be history, but in most men’s minds still a very real experience. Damn few can write like you do.Good morning LT. Just have to say that if this Clay People plan goes as I expect it will, you should never doubt your battlefield awareness again. Ftq CKP xbt cp qdwh…I’m glad to see the pace of your writing pick up as you get closer to the end of the story. Again, a great read.Thanks for that wonderful analysis. M frxogq’w zcaoly sd xdc, ncakpi qifzsr xs ze qc dmfgu.

….and little should be changed to …a little and wait….Great read….great planning…great execution to be continued….glad I flew 46s and wasn’t on the ground very much….heroes on the ground all around…you were amazing Jim.Thanks for the editing help. That Thompson would certainly sound strange (and therefore maybe threatening) to the Marines. ), that “care” covered everyone in your unit & every other unit you came in contact with. Yes, we came back but left so much there, and then brought so much back with us….You’ve pulled so much unconventional stuff on them that they’re trying to do the same to you.

I think you were born to lead these men. Eyyj ca yrwwnm whpg yrxmp iwt yadzuzs, sfv lzwf epib? romance, teenfiction, dialoguestory. God Bless You Sir, and The Work of Your Hands.Man, but that’s a pretty damned neat comment George. The rough nature of your work seems appropriate under the circumstances you are describing.I used to work with a former Army intelligence officer who spent his time in the Mekong Delta. A most excellent analysis and counter offensive tactic. Funny how that oxymoronic thought process occurs to usI was so sick of all the rain and being wetfor about 70 days.

She's the Man (2006) – Directed by Andy Fickman – Viola: Amanda Bynes (Inspired by Twelfth Night) References. Battle is a chess game full of moves and counter moves where there are no winners, only soldiers trying to stay alive as best they can. He reached down and pinned it to my pillow.What can I possibly add to such an intense and emotional comment?

We heard the bullshit net and we knew what y’all were going through down there.The batteries were wonderful and was never denied.

Fortunately, I have found a calling that suits me, and for the first time in nearly 50 years I’ve felt like part of a machine, instead of a screw that got dropped on the floor.As for your editing and proof reading, I’ve only noticed one chapter that was kind of rough, and it was obvious that you were stretched tighter than a rubber band when you wrote it.

You’ve had me all the way in this story, and like mail call, I always await the next one.The only thing that survived the medical ordeal and transfer at the end was my small tattered diary.