He is the fourth kage of the Hidden Cloud Village. Pour arrêter Kinkaku, le quartier général envoya à Darui le Kohaku no jôhei et l'équipe 10 pour lui apporter son aide. Found by Darui and Killer Bee watch as he grows into the legend he was always meant to be. Durant le combat qui s’ensuivit, il fut rejoint par Samui et Atsui au moment où les deux frères révélèrent leurs armes de choix : les Trésors du Rikudô Sennin. Darui est un ninja originaire du village de Kumo. Il lança ensuite une nouvelle tactique et détourna l'attention de Kinkaku en lui jetant son épée et poursuivit en utilisant encore sa technique Laser Circus qui secoua Kinkaku, lui donnant l'opportunité de couper l'âme du mot de Ginkaku avec le Shichiseiken. A close friend of Tobirama and Hashirama, the village fell under his protection once both were gone. Hopefully it was a new Jutsu; since he would need something to-do for the final year on the Island when he's done working with the Kyūbi. Darui zusammen mit A und C Darui ist ein recht großer und dunkelhäutiger Mann. Klassischer Editor Versionen Kommentare Teilen. After the Fourth …
Il est d'un tempérament calme, mesuré et parfois même lassé.
As seen in a flashback, when Ōnoki was young he and Muu encountered Madara who easily defeated them. Suite au discours de Gaara, lui et son peloton, mobilisés aux côtés des autres, prit la direction des côtes du Pays de la Foudre pour la défendre contre une portion des forces de l'Akatsuki approchant. Es werden Spoiler-Informationen angezeigt! Darui ist ein dunkelhäutiger Mensch mit weißem, etwas strobeligem Haar, dass sein linkes Auge verdeckt. Il suit les ordres non sans se plaindre et semble avoir du mal à suivre l'agitation du Raikage, allant jusqu'à s'excuser des dégâts que …
The problem is, Darui’s catchphrase is “Such a drab” or “Whatever.” Shiakmaru performs the same shtick, but why it’s wrong for Darui to have the same trait is because apathy is associated with Black men, as seen as being lazy when it comes to work or not caring about their families. Später tritt er die Nachfolge des Yondaime Raikagean und wird dementsprechend zum Godaime Raikage ernannt. The thought of the Island shifted Naruto's train of thought once again, he hoped Darui-sensei would be able to come with him and give him this new surprise he was talking about.
Darui is a member of Naruto Forums. Keine Ahnung von Coding?...Kommentar-Funktion unterhalb des Artikels für Daten oder Fehlermeldungen! As Kinkaku was sealed he wondered how he, and his sibling could've been defeated by "The next morning, Darui and the other shinobi were made to stand apart inside circles until Darui and the Allied Shinobi Force confront the Ten-Tails.Upon arriving on the battlefield where they were, Darui announced that the remainder of his division had arrived. スの右腕だ。類似品じゃねェ!」, Je suis le bras-droit du Boss. Darui (ダルイ, Darui) is a former jōnin-level ninja of Kumogakure, who formerly functioned as a bodyguard and escort to the Fourth Raikage at the Kage summit, along with his fellow jōnin C. Following the conclusion of the Fourth Shinobi World War, he was appointed as the Fifth Raikage (五代目雷影, Godaime Raikage). Pourtant, derrière cette attitude passive et nonchalante, se cache un combattant redoutable.
Temari Nara (奈良テマリ, Nara Temari) is a kunoichi from Sunagakure's Kazekage clan, and the eldest of the Three Sand Siblings. Temari was born the eldest child of Karura and the Fourth Kazekage: Rasa. Note: The information listed below is a fanwork based on Darui, and thus, will only be used in works of the author. He was first seen as a Kage in Naruto Chapter 700, which takes place around 7-10 years after the conclusion of the series. After later marrying Shikamaru Nara, she also became a member of Konohagakure's Nara clan and emigrated to the village. Pendant que Shikamaru et Chôji détournaient l'attention de Kinkaku, Ino utilisa sa technique de Transposition pour prendre possession du corps de Kinkaku. Il prouvera ses capacités en affrontant la team Taka de Sasuke Uchiwa. So, if you search up Ōnoki on google it shows from the wiki that in Part II, he was 79.
Er trägt ein ärmellosen, schwarzen Hemd/Pullover mit hohem Kragen, der meist geöffnet ist. The two go through a courtship, and eventually marry. I can't find the source of this information.